This weekend we went to Jenolan Caves which is situated about 265km away from Canberra - It's closer to the Blue Mountains in New South Wales which is also a must visit destination.
The weather is always very strange at Jenolan - it's very misty when you drive up into the mountains and then on your decent it becomes quite muggy but still cool.
If you can imagine coming through fog which you can barely see one meter in front of you and then driving down a windy road where you start to see the tops of old looking buildings. It's like a little town on its own with a road that goes through a grand arch in the mountain side.
Anyway we took a few of the cave tours - one of my favourites being the 'river cave' - This tour was two hours in length and took us into some fabulous chambers with amazing cyrstal formations.
On the way home, I couldn't help but take a photo of the 'Big Merino' - Australia is known for its 'big' things such as the big guitar, the big banana etc. In Goulburn in New South Wales sits the big Merino which is a huge big sheep - You can get inside and see the view of Goulburn from the top. It recently got moved from its original location down the road so you can now see it from the highway. I've driven past it thousands of times but thought I'd take a happy snap to share with you all.
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